
We are based in Torrance, just outside Glasgow in Scotland.
We meet for Worship Every Sunday at 10:30am


Crossover Youth Group

Crossover is a free youth group for young people from P7-S3 in Torrance. It runs on the first and third Saturdays of the month (with a short break for the Christmas and Summer school holidays).

On the first Saturday of the month, we run “Big Event Crossover” which is a large group activity at the church, or a fun outing. Recent examples include: crazy gold, laser tag, tubing, craft daft, roller disco, s’mores, inflatables and – of course – our annual Christmas party and summer BBQ! Big Event Crossover will usually include a short Bible based talk as well.

On the third Saturday of the month is our popular drop-in youth café. This features a wide range of activities for the young people to try: console games; active sports; table tennis, pool, table football, tuck shop, a smoothie bar, crafts, board games etc. At the end of the evening, we conclude with a big game all together.

On café nights, we also have Saturday Pizza Club, which runs from 6pm until the drop-in cafe starts. This is a smaller group (to which all are welcome) run by some of our young leaders, where we can think about and discuss some of life’s big questions. This session we have invited some interesting guests to share how they became a Christian, and to answer questions about walking with Jesus in unusual circumstances.

Crossover usually runs from 7pm ’til 9pm, but some events require us to meet earlier, so be sure to check your e-mails in the run up to each event.

We want Crossover to be as inclusive and accessible as possible, so please let us know if there is anything we can do to make your child’s attendance easier.

You can register your child for Crossover by completing this online form: https://eu.jotform.com/202147077463353

Crossover Dates 2025

  • Sat 18 January – Drop-in youth café
  • Sat 1 February – Big Event Crossover
  • Sat 15 February – Drop-in youth café
  • Sat 1 March – Big Event Crossover
  • Sat 15 March – Drop-in youth café
  • Sat 5 April – Big Event Crossover
  • Sat 19 April – Drop-in youth café
  • Sat 3 May – Big Event Crossover
  • Sat 17 May – Drop-in youth café
  • Sat 7 Jun – Summer BBQ (transition event with P6s)
  • Sat 21 Jun – Drop-in youth café (transition event with P6s)
If you know someone who would enjoy Crossover, or if you’d like to help out
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