
We are based in Torrance, just outside Glasgow in Scotland.
We meet for Worship Every Sunday at 10:30am

Youth Activities

Junior Church Resources

Over the school summer holiday period, we would recommend that you make use of some of the following excellent online resources:

Sunday Morning Groups

For babies and toddlers from birth to age 3.
Junior Sunday School
From Nursery School to Primary 3.
Senior Sunday School
From Primary 4 to Primary 6.
From Primary 7 to Secondary 2. Connect S3+

Other Groups

From Primary 7 to Secondary 3

The Carrot Cake Club
If you are aged 15 years and older and would like to get together with like-minded and similar aged teens then come along. We discuss events that interest us, interview surprising guests, watch movies, chat and catch up with each other; and of course eat cake! Its fun and challenging – please come along! Call Norman Stone on 620564 for further details.

Uniformed Organisations

    • Boys Brigade


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