Small Groups
Early Church worship (Acts 2:42, 46-47) was in the Temple and house to house, day by day, continually in fellowship, food, prayer, apostles’ teaching (word), praise and growth. Small Group worship in Torrance is in the House Church, Meristems, Prayer meetings, triplets and chain, Men’s meetings and Alpha. Current information is displayed on the Vestry Notice Board.
House Churches
- Mixed group with numbers (5 +);
- Primary purpose is fellowship;
- Based in areas;
- Meals together;
- May include Bible studies, Meristems, Triplets etc.
- Same sex groups with numbers (2-5);
- Primary purpose is growth (individual and numerical);
- Brief, flexible in time and place;
- Activity – Word, prayer, food, sharing.
- Same sex groups of three;
- Primary purpose is prayer.
Contact Celia Burns