Boys’ Brigade
Due to a shortage of leaders, at present only the Company Section P7 – Secondary School are meeting in person at the church 7pm – 9pm. The Boys’ Brigade (BB) usually meet in Torrance Parish Church on Thursday evenings from September to May and have a range of groups for Boys from P1 through to the end of secondary school. These are:
- Anchor Boys: P1 to P3, 6.15 – 7.30pm
- Junior Section: P4 to P6, 7 – 8.15pm
- Company Section: P7 and Secondary School, 7.30 – 9.45pm
Some of the leaders are shared between Junior and Company Sections, and this builds relationships and helps the Boys as they move up an age group. We have a wide and varied programme for each of the age groups, which contains physical, social and spiritual aspects, which at all times aims to give the Boys an enjoyable and fun filled BB experience.
The BB is part of Torrance Church and Boys who are not a part of other churches are encouraged to join us on Sunday mornings. All ages meet together for the first part of the service and then separate into different age groups.
Last year a new activity and award programme was introduced for Anchor Boys and Junior Section, based on topics of mind, body, spirit, community and creativity, and this has been very popular with the Boys. The Company Section programme last year included physical activities, games, drill, Christian faith, first aid, home electrics and food safety and health. Along with these we had some special games nights and a film night.
Both Junior and Company Sections also take part in a number of competitions with the other BB Companies from the surrounding district with a good deal of success.
We have one major fund raising activity each year – the Jumble Sale – last year it was a great success and raised over £1,000. This was the result of a great team effort and would like to thank all parents and friends who helped. This event helps keep our subscriptions down and subsidises our activities throughout the session.
Our session ends with two major events, the first of these being the Parent’s Night, when parents and friends come along to see what we do throughout the session. The other is a weekend away to Girvan for Junior and Company Sections.
We don’t have a waiting list and all Boys from P1 though to secondary school age are welcome to come along.