Prayer Meetings

As a Church we are glad to pray with you and for you. As part of our Sunday Service we pray together – often praying for the big issues that weigh upon our hearts.  We also gather through the week to Pray as a church.

We tend to meet on a Wednesday at 9.15am on Zoom and 7.30pm in the Meeting Room, which is to the right as you come in the main door. Guests are welcome to join us.

(if you would like to know more or find out how to join via zoom, please email the office)


Prayer Team

We are aware as a church that there are many challenges in our daily lives. These challenges can cause us much grief within the church and in our community. The past season has made us even more aware of the needs within ourselves and others for support, a place to be heard and a chance to be prayed for.

Our prayer team are on hand to pray after the Morning Service. Please ask the welcome team if you would like to be introduced to them.

You can also contact us through the church office and a member of our team will be in contact. We are here for you whether a church member, member of the community or somebody who remains questioning.

Torrance Parish Church

Torrance Parish Church, 1 School Road, Torrance,  Glasgow, G64 4BZ

Telephone: 01360 620970. Email: