Prayer Ministry

March 5, 2021

Unfortunately, due to current Covid restrictions the prayer ministry team will not be available at the church until these restrictions ease. We will keep you updated on this. However, we are still very active and calls can be made to any of the team on the list of prayer contacts throughout the week should you have a concern for prayer for yourself or others and the team will hold these in prayer – (list available from We are very aware of the many different challenges and struggles folk are experiencing at present and the difficulties another lockdown brings. No matter what we face let us share one another’s burdens together in the love and strength of Jesus.  

We would also encourage you to keep an eye on the church noticeboard “Care and Prayer” topic as we encourage folk to join us in prayer for our community.   Please join us in supporting this and tie a ribbon on to the railing as a reminder to all of God’s loving care and faithfulness.

Prayer Ministry

January 19, 2021

Unfortunately, due to current Covid restrictions the prayer ministry team will not be available at the church until these restrictions ease. We will keep you updated on this. However, we are still very active and calls can be made to any of the team on the list of prayer contacts (available from throughout the week should you have a concern for prayer for yourself or others and the team will hold these in prayer.  We are very aware of the many different challenges and struggles folk are experiencing at present and the difficulties another lockdown brings. No matter what we face let us share one another’s burdens together in the love and strength of Jesus.  

We would also encourage you to keep an eye on the church noticeboard “Care and Prayer” topic as we encourage folk to join us in prayer for our community.   Please join us in supporting this and tie a ribbon on to the railing as a reminder to all of God’s loving care and faithfulness.

Prayer Ministry – Thursday

December 13, 2020

The Prayer Ministry Team will be available on Thursday morning 17 December, for prayer support in the Meeting Room from 10.30 – 12 noon.  Because of the current Covid guidelines regarding numbers, unfortunately for now, the café and the meeting room cannot be used on the same morning.  If you are coming for prayer support only and the meeting room is closed, please take a seat in the chairs provided.   If you are using the cafe but also wish prayer, please write down your prayer request on a piece of paper at home and place it in the box provided at the exit door from the café and we will pray into your request.  We are encouraged to pray in all circumstances and although there are many trials at present there is also much to be thankful for. Let us hold and build one another up in our prayers together. 

Wednesday Prayer Clinic is open 10.30-12 noon

October 27, 2020

We are pleased to announce that the church is now open weekly from 10.30am until 12 noon to offer prayer support during the many challenges and struggles we are all facing at present.  Two members of the prayer team will be there to welcome you and pray into your concerns with you in a safe loving and confidential setting.  

For your safety social distancing rules will apply, face masks should be worn at all times and sanitisers provided should be used on entering the building.

Appeal for Spare Ribbons

October 27, 2020

If you have any spare ribbons at home they would be greatly appreciated and put to good use as part of a prayer/outreach initiative we intend to do to encourage folk in the community to “try praying” and then tie a ribbon on the church railings as a reminder of the prayer. We hope that they will serve also as an encouragement to others and as a reminder that God is at work during these difficult times and hears the prayers of our hearts. Please place any ribbons you may have in the plastic box outside the front door of the church and pray on for our community that they might “taste and see that the Lord is good”. A banner will also be going up to explain to folk what it is about. Thank you.

Wednesday Prayer Clinic will re-open on 2 September 2020

September 1, 2020

We are pleased to announce that the church will re-open weekly commencing Wednesday 2nd September from 10.30am until 11.30am to offer prayer support during the many challenges and struggles we are all facing at present.  Two members of the prayer team will be there to welcome you and pray into your concerns with you in a safe loving and confidential setting.  

For your safety social distancing rules will apply, face masks should be worn at all times and sanitisers provided should be used on entering the building.

Prayer Ministry

January 3, 2020

Two people from the Prayer Ministry Team are available at the front of the church after the 2nd service to pray for any concerns you may have and the Prayer Clinic is available throughout the year on a Wednesday morning. The Prayer Box is also available in the foyer and we would encourage you to use it at any time during the week. The team will pray for you and your request will then be shredded.

Torrance Parish Church

Torrance Parish Church, 1 School Road, Torrance,  Glasgow, G64 4BZ

Telephone: 01360 620970. Email: