Harvest Sunday
September 15, 2023
1 October 10.30am in person
Preacher: Rev Stuart Irvin and the reading is from Matthew 9:35-38
Here are the options for joining with us:-
Join the service online via the livestream: https://torranceparishchurch.online.church
To Listen by phone – call 0131 460 1196 then when prompted enter meeting ID: 827 9548 7848. This will be charged at local rates and will be part of any inclusive phone plan.
Harvest Thanksgiving
September 15, 2023
Our Harvest Thanksgiving service will take place on Sunday 1st October. This year, as last, we will use produce from our own gardens rather than buying flowers from the shops (here’s hoping there’s no frost before then!). Using our own produce last year, brought home to us that Harvest is not just the priority of our farmers, but is relevant to us too in the produce and colours of our own gardens.
There will be several ways for you to get involved with our harvest service:
• Donate flowers, produce or greenery from your own garden
• Bring tins, packets etc to the service for the local foodbank
• Come along on Saturday 30th September at 10.00 and be part of the group decorating the church If you are able to bring something from your garden, the church will be open from 9.30 on the 30th to receive it.
If you have any questions or want to know more about donating or helping, please contact Katie Leitch via office@tpc.org.uk
Harvest Thanksgiving
November 1, 2022
A Big Thank You!
The food and toiletries that were donated at the Harvest Thanksgiving service filled over 20 shopping bags which went to the East Dunbartonshire Women’s Aid in Kirkintilloch, and cash donations amounting to £300 is being donated to The Trussell Trust Foodbank in East Dunbartonshire.
Harvest Celebration
September 30, 2022
This year there are three ways you can contribute to our harvest service:
1. Help decorate the church by bringing along flowers or greenery from your own garden
2. Bring tins, packets etc for the local foodbank
3. Give a donation to the foodbank.
If you are able to bring something from your garden, a group will be in the church from 9.30 am tomorrow Saturday 1 October and they will be delighted to receive it.
Harvest Thanksgiving Service 10.30am
September 30, 2022
Including GB/BB/Youth Dedication – Sunday 2 October 2022 (in person).
Preacher: Rev Stuart Irvin and the reading is from Matthew 9:35-38 – The workers are few