
BaptismThe birth of a child is a wonderful event. It makes a deep impact on many people and this may bring them into contact with the church in different ways.

Parents who have borne the children, may have an awareness that they have not created it. The acknowledgment of this often turns them towards God with the desire to acknowledge this and thank Him. Family and friends share the joy of the parents and seek an opportunity to celebrate with them in this.

There are three ways in which we might be involved as a church in marking this

1 – Baptism

This is an expression of faith and an act of commitment of the parents to the Jesus and His church.

    2 – Dedication

    This is an opportunity for those who do not subscribe to the practise of infant baptism to express the dedication of their child and themselves to God.

      3 – Thanksgiving

      This is purely an act of thanksgiving. Children are presented to God and His blessing sought upon them. It follows a similar order of service as baptism, except no vows are taken.

        Torrance Parish Church

        Torrance Parish Church, 1 School Road, Torrance,  Glasgow, G64 4BZ

        Telephone: 01360 620970. Email: