Pastoral Care

If you are in need of pastoral assistance, you can contact your elder, or the Session Clerk – Graham Murray 01360 620970; or Rev. Stuart Irvin – 01360 620970

Pastoral Team

Area Pastoral Care Team
1. Boot Estate
West Road
West Balgrochan
Acre Valley
Marion Murray

Margaret Neil

2. Mill Crescent
Campsie Road
Kings Park
School Road
Marion Murray

Margaret Neil

3. Rosehill Road
Main Street
Marion Murray

Margaret Neil

4. The Comben Marion Murray

Margaret Neil

5. Outside Torrance Geoff Burns Graeme Phimister
6. Postal

Torrance Parish Church

Torrance Parish Church, 1 School Road, Torrance,  Glasgow, G64 4BZ

Telephone: 01360 620970. Email: