
We are based in Torrance, just outside Glasgow in Scotland.
We meet for Worship Every Sunday at 10:30am


The work of Torrance Parish Church is funded by the giving of our members and by gift donations from guests.

Ways to Give

Bank transfer or standing order (please apply to the church office: office@tpc.org.uk for details and form);

Online via CAFonline (https://www.cafonline.org/my-personal-giving/start-giving/donate-now and search for ‘Torrance Parish Church’);

Cheque made out to Torrance Parish Church.

Please fill in a Gift Aid Form if you are able, and send it (or scan and e-mail) to the church office.

You can find Torrance Parish Church’s charity registration details, including financial and accounts information, here: Torrance Parish Church OSCR page

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