
We are based in Torrance, just outside Glasgow in Scotland.
We meet for Worship Every Sunday at 10:30am

Church Cookbook

Hello Church Congregation!

Sean is feeling really inspired to recreate and update our Church cookbook and bring out a ‘new edition’ come August time. 

We are hoping this is a chance to bless our community, celebrate the various groups running in the church and also bless our members who are leaving for university, and moving to start new jobs. This also could be a great place to share money saving meal tips, and bless one another with scrumptious recipes of meals we may have got to taste at Alphas, or home baking we’ve sampled at a ceilidh or two. 

We would also love for each recipe, if you are willing, to have a couple of lines of why this recipe is important to yourself or a special memory you have of this recipe. 

If you could get in touch with Sean at office@tpc.org.uk with a recipe(s) of meals, and home baking with a couple of lines about that recipe, that would be smashing.

Thanks all, we are looking forward to the end product. 

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