Sunday ‘Summer Club’

June 21, 2024

From Sunday 30th of June until August the 11th there will be a ‘Summer Club’ during the service for kids up to P5 to attend, accompanied by a parent/ grandparent. There will be free play/ simple craft and colouring made available through in the hall.   

With this in mind, we are looking for one person each week to volunteer to set up toys/ simple craft / and clear up and stay in with the parents who are there with their kids. There is a sign-up sheet on the table in the foyer if you can help.

We hope this will be a fun time for regulars and also visitors who may be amongst us during the holiday as well as giving the regular team a break.  Thank you, Susan and Moira.  


Torrance Parish Church

Torrance Parish Church, 1 School Road, Torrance,  Glasgow, G64 4BZ

Telephone: 01360 620970. Email: