
We are based in Torrance, just outside Glasgow in Scotland.
We meet for Worship Every Sunday at 10:30am

Crossover Roller Disco Saturday 4 May 2024

Meet at the church at 3pm. Pick up 6.45pm

It’s Big Event Crossover next Saturday (4 May) and we will be heading for the Roller Disco!

Booking in advance is essential and you must let Iain Nisbet know by 1pm at the latest on Monday 29 April 2024 if your child wishes to attend.

Wrist guards, helmets, knee-and elbow-pads are available for all skaters, for free, at the venue. You’re welcome to bring your own (cycle helmets are suitable for skating) or use the venue’s supply. We will be insisting that all protective equipment is worn at all times by Crossoverers. This is regardless of how experienced a skater your child is, or what you would ordinarily choose to do at this venue. Children must obey the rink rules at all times.

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