Weekend Welcome
January 12, 2024
Once a month on a Friday from 3.15 until 5.30pm we are going to aim to get together for a ‘Weekend Welcome’ and our very first event is planned for Friday 19th of January. Check the attached link for the itinerary – https://www.torranceparishchurch.org.uk/weekendwelcome/
Starting at the end of the school day we will have some games and crafts and other activities for parents and primary aged children to engage with together and for others to join us as we go. We’ll then share in a light and delicious dinner. Woven into this will be a chance to explore a passage from the Bible in a meaningful and engaging way.
While the activities will initially be aimed at primary aged families we’d love for others to join us too – perhaps nearer to meal time. You’ll be welcome to stick around after and muck in with the clear up!
For the sake of planning we’d love it if you could sign up here (Eventbrite) and also complete the consent form for photographs at https://form.jotform.com/240107026539046 – or contact office@tpc.org.uk for more details.