
We are based in Torrance, just outside Glasgow in Scotland.
We meet for Worship Every Sunday at 10:30am

Springfield Cambridge Festival Chorus

We are re-launching our successful Junior Chorus at Springfield Cambridge Church as part of the Springfield Cambridge Festival Chorus.

We are starting with a taster session on Sunday 23rd October, from 12.30-1.30pm. Come along and join the fun. Boys and Girls aged 7 – 14 are all welcome to come and see what it’s like to sing!  No audition required and no fee. All music will be provided on the day.

Join in a fun session of vocal games and Christmas music, under the direction of Catherine Taylor, our Junior Chorus leader and get an idea what it’s like to be part of this great choir.

If you would like your young singer to attend this event please register by either:
1. emailing Catherine at catherinejtaylor@btinternet.com
2. texting Catherine on 07511629272

Please provide your child’s name, a parent or carer’s name, an email contact and a mobile contact.

Springfield Cambridge Festival Chorus is a large mixed-voice choir with its roots in Bishopbriggs Churches Together. The chorus, which is led by music professionals and open to adults of any age and experience, presents high profile concerts in Glasgow’s major venues to raise funds for worthy causes. Their flagship Christmas concerts, held annually along with a 40-piece orchestra in the Royal Concert Hall, have raised over £400,000 for Children’s Hospices Across Scotland since they began in 2002.

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