
We are based in Torrance, just outside Glasgow in Scotland.
We meet for Worship Every Sunday at 10:30am

Holiday Club 2022!

The Summer Mission Team plan to hold a holiday club this year from 8 – 12 August, 10 – 12pm, and if you would like to join the team and be involved within the groups there are a few roles available. 

We are also looking for volunteers to prepare juice and biscuits for the children and to cover light lunches for the team, either for the full week, or for 1 or 2 days. 

On the first day of holiday club, we have ‘Registration Day’ from 9.30am and require folk to cover the signing-in desks to check that the forms have been completed and to point the children in the direction of the Trainees who will then take them to their assigned groups. If you would like to volunteer contact the office – office@tpc.org.uk Thank you! 

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