
We are based in Torrance, just outside Glasgow in Scotland.
We meet for Worship Every Sunday at 10:30am

Visiting and Phoning Friends

Friendship and talking to one another is important, however, not everyone is able to get out and about to meet up with friends or join in social activities. Some no longer have a circle of friends in this area and can feel rather isolated. Do you feel like this, or know someone who does? 

‘Visiting and Phoning Friends’ is a group of volunteers willing to help by visiting adults, if they wish it, in their own home at a convenient time. It may be for a chat, or to share a game of dominoes or scrabble or do an activity together. Or they might assist in a short outing. We are also happy to keep in contact by phone, if preferred. For more information, please call Dorothy – 01360 620970. 

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