At a meeting held at Torrance Parish Church on 24 Aug 2021, the Nominating Committee chose the person who they wish to propose to this congregation of Torrance Parish Church to be our new minister. The name of the person proposed is Rev Stuart Irvin. Arrangements have been made for Rev Stuart Irvin to conduct public worship in Torrance Parish Church on Sunday 3 October at 10.30am. The service will also be broadcast online live.
Immediately after that service, a vote on whether or not Rev Stuart Irvin should be appointed as the new minister of this congregation of Torrance Parish Church will be opened. Anyone whose name appears on the Electoral Register of this congregation shall be entitled to vote. No-one else shall be entitled to vote. Those who are entitled to a vote, and for whom the Kirk Session hold email contact details shall receive a letter or email with details of how to cast their vote. Every vote returned must have a unique number written on it. Each person eligible to vote will receive their unique number in a letter or email prior to the opening of the vote. Votes returned without a unique number will not be counted. The unique numbers will not be linked to how votes are cast. All votes must be cast or returned not later than Sunday 3rd of October at 1pm to the Church Building. If you are unable to drop in your own vote someone can do that for you as long as it is delivered in a sealed envelope.
Anyone who is not on the electoral register but wishes to do so should contact the Session Clerk by Monday 20th of September.
Graham Murray, Session Clerk (; 01360 620970