
We are based in Torrance, just outside Glasgow in Scotland.
We meet for Worship Every Sunday at 10:30am

Café Re-opening, Thursday 12th August 2021

The Church Café will re-open for the new session on Thursday 12th August 2021, so please come and enjoy your coffee/tea, cakes and scones once more ……. ‘All will be welcome.’

We are fortunate to have a wonderful group of Servers and Bakers who have worked, when allowed, throughout the pandemic and this has very much been appreciated by the customers and their friends.  Like all groups, however, things can change and this is happening to the Café where we have lost, for various reasons, some of our longstanding volunteers.  The most notable one being Jen, she will be sorely missed but the group is determined that the Café will continue.

It would be great therefore if we could recruit a few new members to the team, particularly servers.  This would help ensure the future of the Café and maintain a very valued social amenity in the Village.

If you are interested in joining the Café group you will be warmly welcomed, so please could you contact – Irene Mackenzie, Catherine MacKinnon, Liz Capie, Rosie Mott or myself, Jean Escott:  01360 620970: office@tpc.org.uk

Thank you, Jean (Escott)

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