
We are based in Torrance, just outside Glasgow in Scotland.
We meet for Worship Every Sunday at 10:30am

Church Building Capacity

Following the move to level 0, TOBRA and the Kirk Session have reviewed the building capacity for Sunday worship and agreed a new increased capacity, based on the now permitted 1m distancing.  All other mitigations remain in place and the safety of all who attend remains paramount.

The increased capacity will be reflected in the booking system for the service on Sunday 8th August onwards.  We hope that this will give more people who would like to attend in person the opportunity and would encourage those who would like to attend to book a place.  There is space for individuals, pairs and family groups.

The ‘Physical Distanced Building Capacity’ notice must also allow for the possibility of overflow seating in the foyer, though that will not normally be set out in advance.’ 

The online broadcast of the service will of course remain in place and there is no pressure at all to attend in person.  It is understood that not everyone may be able or comfortable to attend in person at this time, but rest assured you are welcome to join whether in person, online or on catch-up!

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