
We are based in Torrance, just outside Glasgow in Scotland.
We meet for Worship Every Sunday at 10:30am

Tearfund Scotland – Could you feed a family from your fridge?

More than 40 million people are now facing a hunger crisis in countries like South Sudan, Yemen, Afghanistan and the Democratic Republic of Congo. There are no food banks or furlough schemes in the vulnerable communities where we and our partner organisations are working. Many families can only afford one meal a day, if that….. but here’s an opportunity to help: Fridge Twinning. Our friends at Toilet Twinning have just launched a new campaign to provide emergency food and cash vouchers. They are also providing training and support for small businesses – helping people find new ways to earn a living so they’re more resilient to future shocks. For more information, and to twin your fridge, please visit the Fridge Twinning website today

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