
We are based in Torrance, just outside Glasgow in Scotland.
We meet for Worship Every Sunday at 10:30am

Advent photo competition

This year, we will be running an art / photography competition for the children of the village, to help us to make a giant (& digital) advent calendar.
All children and young people in Torrance (or with Torrance connections) are eligible to enter – pre-school, primary or secondary school ages are all welcome.
We are looking for drawings / paintings / photographs for behind the windows of our advent calendar. We will then select 25 of the very best images, one for each day of December all the way up to Christmas Day.
We will show these on our Facebook, Insta and Twitter pages, and we will also get each one printed (size = extra-large!) and placed in the church windows for everyone to see and enjoy during the run up to Christmas.
The pictures can be done in any medium, but we do need them to be sent to us by e-mail. The pictures can be Christmas themed, directly or indirectly, or maybe a winter scene, or a present you’d like to get, or just a lovely picture or photo that you’d like to share with us.

  1. Entries must be e-mailed to advent@tpc.org.uk no later than 7pm on Saturday 14th November 2020. In entering the competition, you are agreeing for your artwork to be displayed on our facebook, instagram and twitter pages, our website and in the church windows, and the church magazine. Otherwise, the work and all rights in it remain yours.
  2. Please bear in mind that we will be enlarging the work, so high resolution images are definitely a big plus. If you are having trouble sending larger file sizes, or technical issues generally, please let us know on the same e-mail address and we will get something sorted out.
  3. In your e-mail, please include your name and year at school. By default, we will use child’s first name and year at school e.g. Mary (P4). However, let us know if you’d prefer something else, or if you’d rather remain anonymous.”
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