Alzheimer Scotland – Together at Home concert
October 27, 2020
Live Music Now Scotland continue their Together at Home concert series. If you have not been able to catch a performance live you can still hear the concerts on their YouTube Channel: or their Website:
Online giving
October 27, 2020
A new facility has been set up by the Church of Scotland to allow people to donate online to local churches. This may be of interest to people wishing to make their regular offering who have been unable while the building has been closed, or indeed any wishing to make a one-off donation to support the work of the church. The link to donate online to Torrance Church is at
Befriending and pastoral care
October 27, 2020
We are encouraged to look out for one another, and our neighbours, at this difficult time. The support of the visiting friends and pastoral teams remains very much available (by telephone); anyone in the community who would benefit practical help (e.g. with shopping), a friendly phone call, or is finding things difficult can call or be referred to Dorothy Beaton or Marion Murray on 07788 797238 in the first instance.
October 27, 2020
If you would like someone to pray for you, a friend or neighbour please don’t hesitate to contact Marion Murray on 620228, or text/WhatsApp/call the dedicated TPC prayer ministry number 07788 797238. All requests will be prayed for by the prayer ministry team in the strictest confidence.
Wednesday Prayer Clinic is open 10.30-12 noon
October 27, 2020
We are pleased to announce that the church is now open weekly from 10.30am until 12 noon to offer prayer support during the many challenges and struggles we are all facing at present. Two members of the prayer team will be there to welcome you and pray into your concerns with you in a safe loving and confidential setting.
For your safety social distancing rules will apply, face masks should be worn at all times and sanitisers provided should be used on entering the building.
Thursday Café now open!
October 27, 2020
We’re delighted to have opened the café again on Thursday mornings from 9am-12. Things are a little different from usual, with tables in the main church, and restrictions on how many people can sit together, but we hope to welcome you for coffee, tea and scones, in a safe and friendly environment.
Poppy Scotland Appeal 2020
October 27, 2020
Due to the current Covid-19 restrictions, Poppy Scotland have made some changes to the way they are fundraising this year while still doing their best to ensure that we are all able to wear remembrance poppies. Therefore, for the first time, all donations in Torrance will be cashless. A Torrance Poppy Appeal JustGiving page has been set up and can be accessed through the following link:
We would like to get this out to as many people as possible in the village so if you use any of the village social media sites, I would appreciate it if you would post the details or just share with friends and family. Poppies will be available in the shops and can be collected there. This year the boxes will have QR and NFC code stickers on them, so as an alternative to JustGiving, anyone wishing to, can donate through their smartphone by scanning the code and following the instructions.
While I completely understand that this is not ideal for a lot of the community, it’s really the only way we can continue with a village collection this year in a safe and manageable way. Thank you, Dorothy McCarthy.
Appeal for Spare Ribbons
October 27, 2020
If you have any spare ribbons at home they would be greatly appreciated and put to good use as part of a prayer/outreach initiative we intend to do to encourage folk in the community to “try praying” and then tie a ribbon on the church railings as a reminder of the prayer. We hope that they will serve also as an encouragement to others and as a reminder that God is at work during these difficult times and hears the prayers of our hearts. Please place any ribbons you may have in the plastic box outside the front door of the church and pray on for our community that they might “taste and see that the Lord is good”. A banner will also be going up to explain to folk what it is about. Thank you.
Luke’s Adventures on YouTube! 18 October
October 16, 2020
(Activity Sheets from
We will be back this Sunday morning with Luke’s story ‘On the road to Emmaus!’ Visit – Listen to a story * make a craft * sing songs. (Suitable for P1 to P7) Don’t miss it! For the Craft visit
Sunday morning service/ gathering – 10.30am
October 16, 2020
The Sunday service is now accessed via the church website and you should go to to connect on Sunday morning. The ‘watch together’ feed will open in a new web browser tab and will work on a PC or Laptop as well as from an iPad or phone. You will also be able to watch the service on-demand at a different time if that suits you better.
To listen by phone, call 01360 545515 from 10am on Sunday morning to hear the recording of the service. This will be charged at local rates and will be part of any inclusive phone plan.