New way to join together on Sundays

August 23, 2020

This week we are premiering a new way to join together on Sunday mornings to worship God.

Previously we had used the Zoom conferencing App to share together, but we have now moved to a new system that provides some significant advantages.

The new system allows us to ‘watch together’ on the Church website, while still being able to chat and share. The quality of the audio and video is noticeably better and you will also be able to watch the service again on demand whenever you like.

You can find all the details on the Sunday Service Page.

Luke’s Adventures on YouTube!

August 22, 2020

Following on from the success of Paul’s Adventures during holiday club week, from today, you can follow Luke’s Adventures each week at  There will be storytelling, making a craft, singing and activity sheets (Suitable for P1 to P7) Don’t miss it! To receive the activity sheets email

Bible Reading Notes – Esther

August 18, 2020

George Philip’s Bible Reading Notes in the Book of Esther are available under sermons on the website or contact for a copy.

Coronavirus Information Hub

August 11, 2020

Alzheimer Scotland have created a suite of information resources for people with dementia, their carers, and families throughout the coronavirus pandemic. This will include information on activities, support for families and what to do if you have to go into hospital during this time. There is also a series of Podcasts which can be viewed with very useful hints and tips from various professionals. Please refer to the website:

The Village Hug – Issue 13

August 11, 2020

This great fun packed magazine by our young folk is full of interesting articles and plenty of fun activities to keep children and adults entertained! If you missed issue 13 email to receive a copy.

With lockdown now easing and schools going back, now feels like the appropriate time for our young team of contributors to concentrate again on their school and university studies! The next issue of The Village Hug due for publishing on 21st August will be the final one, so it’s your last chance to send us your articles or stories to 

I’m sure you will agree, they have done a marvellous job over the last few months!

Lost and Found

August 11, 2020

There are several adult/children’s jackets and trousers and two pairs of child’s trainers that have been left at the church. If you have forgotten to take an item home can you please contact the office before Friday 14 August to arrange to pick up, otherwise, they will be recycled. 


August 7, 2020

On Saturday 8 August – (P7 to S3) gather at the church at 6.45pm for 7pm for a Scavenger Hunt around the village. Finish time approx. 9pm.

We are currently limited to small groups (no more than 15, including leaders) outdoors, with physical distancing. As we are limited for numbers, we will need people to book up in advance for outdoor events. Please can you do this no later than the Friday before the event (i.e. Friday 7th deadline for an event on Saturday 8th) at


August 1, 2020

Paul’s Adventures on YouTube – This year’s Holiday Club for P1 – P7, plus current pre-school nursery will start on Monday 3 August at 10.30am – 11am daily until Friday 7 August. It’s going to be a lot of fun watching the videos and there’s lots to get involved in. Activity Bags can be picked up at the church hall on Sunday 2 August between 2 – 2.30pm. The link to access YouTube is

Torrance Parish Church

Torrance Parish Church, 1 School Road, Torrance,  Glasgow, G64 4BZ

Telephone: 01360 620970. Email: