Christianity Explored

July 8, 2020

Sunday 12 July – 10.30-11am

Over the school holidays we are using the Christianity Explored series in Mark’s Gospel. The teaching will give an overview of Mark’s account of the life of Jesus.

  1. You can watch our summer Christianity Explored series on the church website via on Sunday at 10:30am on a computer, tablet or smartphone.
  2. Listen by telephone by calling 0330 088 5830, then when prompted enter meeting ID 462 751 387 followed by #, then # again when asked for participant ID.  Normal call charges will apply unless you have inclusive minutes/free calls etc.

Primary age children –  may prefer to watch episode 1 of this 30min SU Wonderzone video


Torrance Parish Church

Torrance Parish Church, 1 School Road, Torrance,  Glasgow, G64 4BZ

Telephone: 01360 620970. Email: