
We are based in Torrance, just outside Glasgow in Scotland.
We meet for Worship Every Sunday at 10:30am

Sunday Service Online

10 May 2020 10.30am

1.  All are welcome to watch/listen to the service from the comfort of your own home – connect by Zoom, from your smartphone, tablet or computer at https://zoom.us/j/462751387  or from the App by selecting meeting ID 462 751 387.

2.  To listen on your smartphone, tablet or computer, without video, go to http://www.torranceparishchurch.org.uk/listen-live/

3.  Listen by telephone by calling 0330 088 5830, then when prompted enter meeting ID 462 751 387 followed by #, then # again when asked for participant ID. Normal call charges will apply unless you have inclusive minutes/free calls etc.

The bible passage for Sunday 10 May is Luke 20:20-26.

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