JTS Fair and Fine Food – Help our Producers fight Covid-19
May 19, 2020
Sadly, Covid 19 has now arrived in the developing world to make life even tougher than normal for our producers. JTS have been asking all their vulnerable producer partners what support they need in the current crisis. KASFA rice farmers in Malawi and Eswatini Swazi Kitchen from The Kingdom of Eswatini, have told us that their main need at this time is for simple handwashing facilities and soap. Therefore we have set up a Total Giving Page to raise funds to supply these basic necessities – https://www.totalgiving.co.uk/appeal/JTSsupportingourproducers or To make a food order go to www.jts.co.uk/shop Together, we can help the most vulnerable people fight this global pandemic. Let’s give them a chance.
East Dunbartonshire Foodbank
May 12, 2020
Ann Carson, the Foodbank Coordinator, would like to thank the congregation for their support to the Foodbank over the last year. Your donation of 267.15kg of food was especially helpful over the Christmas period.
Cinderella Pantomime – Also, a big thank you to the youngsters of Torrance Church for their very generous donation of over £3000 from the sale of tickets from the pantomime. We really enjoyed the night, the young folk were very professional, and we look forward to the next one!
Crossover Online Games
May 12, 2020
Join us to play games online on Saturday 16th May – 6.45pm for 7pm (til 9pm). All aged P7-S3 welcome. Email office@tpc.org.uk for password details.
Eco Congregation Scotland
May 5, 2020
Love Your Clothes
Did you know that an estimated £100 million worth of used clothing goes to landfill in the UK every year! Join in our online workshop to find out why clothing and in particular ‘fast fashion’ is so bad for the environment and learn practical ways we can do our bit to address this. “Love your Clothes workshop” on Wednesday 6th of May from 2.15-3.15pm. To register for this event please visit www.ecocongregationscotland.org/event/love-your-clothes-workshop-online/ or email coordinator@ecocongregationscotland.org for the link to join the workshop.
The Village Hug
May 5, 2020
This great new weekly magazine by our young folk is being emailed weekly and also on social media – please share! If you would like to receive a copy please email office@tpc.org.uk Contributions, suggestions and competition entries can be emailed to thevillagehug@gmail.com
Sunday Service Online
May 5, 2020
10 May 2020 10.30am
1. All are welcome to watch/listen to the service from the comfort of your own home – connect by Zoom, from your smartphone, tablet or computer at https://zoom.us/j/462751387 or from the App by selecting meeting ID 462 751 387.
2. To listen on your smartphone, tablet or computer, without video, go to http://www.torranceparishchurch.org.uk/listen-live/
3. Listen by telephone by calling 0330 088 5830, then when prompted enter meeting ID 462 751 387 followed by #, then # again when asked for participant ID. Normal call charges will apply unless you have inclusive minutes/free calls etc.
The bible passage for Sunday 10 May is Luke 20:20-26.