
We are based in Torrance, just outside Glasgow in Scotland.
We meet for Worship Every Sunday at 10:30am

Online ‘Virtual’ Service

Till the danger of passing on the Coronavirus is over, the church will ‘meet’ every Sunday ‘on-line’, to worship God. There is no need to leave your house. There are two ways to take part in our short service:
1. You can listen in the Mixlr App or on the TPC website as before, at http://www.torranceparishchurch.org.uk/listen-live/ , where you will be able to hear the service and see just the screen.
2. You can listen and watch the service using the Zoom webinar conferencing App at https://zoom.us/j/462751387 The Meeting ID (for people with the App already installed) is: 462 751 387. You’ll be able to see and hear the people leading the service, who will also be at home contributing via Zoom, as well as the song words.
In either case you don’t need a fancy computer – you can join using the Zoom App on a Laptop, a tablet or even your phone.
If this is your first time taking part with us in worship, we are delighted to welcome you. Thank you for joining us on-line. If you’d like to find out more about what goes on here, email office@tpc.org.uk


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