Church Newsletter
February 25, 2020
The next edition of the Church Newsletter to cover the period from April through to August will be published at the end of March. This is your Newsletter, so if you have any news which you would like to share with our church family, please send it in. The Newsletter is also an ideal way for the Session Teams to inform the congregation. Articles should be given to Graeme Phimister or emailed to no later than Sunday 15th March. Unfortunately, due to tight publication times no extension to this date will be possible.
Fairtrade Fortnight
February 25, 2020
Fairtrade Fortnight is back from Monday 24 February to Sunday 8 March 2020! This year, the campaign will continue to focus on cocoa, and the special role women farmers play in journey to living incomes. If you would like to find out more and what you can do to help, visit this website:
New Banner for 150th Anniversary
February 25, 2020
The GB will be working with the banner group ladies to make a new banner to mark the 150th anniversary. It is to be a large cross made up of about 70 small crosses. If you have a piece of material (preferably cotton and at least an A5 size and up to an A4size) then please leave it in the box in the foyer. It would be good for all the congregation to play a part in the new banner.
Girls’ Brigade Annual Clothes Sale Friday 13th March 7.30pm
February 25, 2020
Tickets are now available for the GB annual clothes sale run by Brian Taylor Fashions. Cost is £5 and the proceeds will be donated to the Empower project. This is a local project run by Unity Enterprises which supports adults with learning disabilities to become more independent. This was a project close to Lyn Walker’s heart and we would like to remember Lyn by giving the proceeds to Empower. Please see Sheila Traynor for tickets.
Community Ceilidh – TPC Anniversary Celebrations!
February 11, 2020
As part of our 150th Anniversary we will celebrate with a Ceilidh on Friday 21st February from 7 pm to which the whole community are invited. Live band; Dancing; Food and lots of fun – for all ages! Tickets £6 Adults, £3 children are available from the church café Wed-Fri mornings and all proceeds from the event will go to Torrance Primary School PTA.
Communion Sunday – 16 February
February 11, 2020
At the communion service this Sunday there will be a retiral collection for The Church House Bridgeton, one of the Presbytery Charities.
The Bible Course – The BIG Story
February 11, 2020
Just a reminder that the Bible Course will recommence on Sunday 16 February at 6.30 pm.
Time of Meditation and Prayer
February 11, 2020
The meeting room is set aside for meditation and prayer every Sunday from 9.30 am until 10.10 am. A special time of silence is spent waiting on God followed by a time of sharing and praying for one another as well as for our church. All are welcome.